We aim to develop young men who are creative, intuitive thinkers and sensitive to the needs of those around them.
The boys are encouraged to think beyond their own needs and we provide opportunities for them to serve others within and beyond our community.
At St Ives, we focus on building relationships and providing many opportunities for boys to feel connected to their community. The boys build friendships within their year group and across the grades through various sporting and social activities as well as important programmes such as our Peer Support and Buddy Programmes. Our boys learn the importance of forming positive relationships and developing a capacity for optimism and resilience.
Each boy’s Form Master takes the time to develop a strong and positive relationship with him, a host of other teachers also nurture connections with the boys as they move through the years.
"...we focus on building relationships and providing many opportunities for boys to feel connected to their community."
‘Carrington’s Code’ forms the platform for the School to help build and develop character. The values of Respect, Empathy, Courage, Initiative and Integrity are integrated in a variety of contexts as boys learn to play and work with each other. Modelling these values is crucial to establishing a School culture that is respectful, kind and inclusive.