Sport at St Ives
All boys in Years 3-6 are involved in Saturday matches in both the summer and winter seasons as part of the IPSHA (Independent Primary School Heads Association) competition.
In summer, boys in Years 3 play cricket. Year 4 boys may select from cricket, basketball and tee ball. Boys in Years 5 and 6 may play cricket, softball, basketball and tennis. In winter, boys in Years 3 and 4 may choose between rugby and football. Boys in Years 5 and 6 may play rugby, football or winter tennis. All teams train after school between 3:00pm-4:00pm one day per week.

The School participates in IPSHA Carnivals in swimming, athletics and cross country and boys take part in CIS (Combined Independent Schools) trials for all winter and summer sports. School teams in swimming and athletics are invited to compete in invitational carnivals.
When representing the School, boys wear the appropriate uniform for the particular sport. House polo shirts are worn for inter-house carnivals.
School sports uniform is to be worn to and from School by boys in Years Kâ6 on Friday. The uniform in summer is house-coloured polo shirt, plain black sport shorts, white short socks, sport shoes and School cap or hat. In winter the School tracksuit is worn over the shorts and shirt.
The white Grammar polo shirt is worn when representing the School and on occasions for excursions. The PA website has full details of the sports uniform for each sport.
Aims and Principles of Junior Sports
The NSW Branch of the Independent Primary School Heads' Association of Australia has drawn up these Aims and Principles:
- Enjoyment for children and sportsmanship to be emphasised at all times.
- Basic skills and rules of all games should be imparted to all participants: referees and umpires will wisely enforce all official rules.
- Children should be encouraged to play hard and strive to win fairly.
- Team spirit and school loyalty must be given priority over selfish play.
- The role of the Host School is to be clearly defined (i.e. responsibilities re provision of umpires,sportsmanship, barracking, courtesy etc.) Host School (i.e. staff, children and parents) should welcome visitors to the school.
- Due recognition by all players be given to a meritorious achievement by any individual or team.
- Foul or rough play is inexcusable - there is no justification in thinking that one's opponent is guilty of it or likely to be guilty of it.
- There is a great difference between hard play and rough play - a player should never play with disregard for their opponent's safety of life or limb.
- It is unacceptable to show elation at an infringement of a rule by the other side. If a penalty is awarded applause should be reserved for the successful kicking of a goal.
- Coaching during games should not interfere with the control by the referee or umpire, nor should it be offensive to opponents.
- Spectators, whether staff or boys at the school, ex students or parents, should not publicly criticise referees' or umpires' decisions.
- Foul or rough play is inexcusable - there is no justification in thinking that one's opponent is guilty of it or likely to be guilty of it.
- Applause should be bestowed on our opponents' good play - excessive jubilation at our own team's success and mean contempt for the other side are unsporting.
- All grounds, our own and those of other Schools, must be kept clean - litter must be placed in the receptacles provided.
- Courtesy to those serving in canteens and tuckshops at other Schools as well as our own is essential
- The use of other Schools' facilities must not be taken for granted or without reference to a member of staff.
- Complaints concerning the conduct of the games should not be made during or after the game but should be referred to one's Head and any action will be left to their discretion.
The school exercises great care in keeping the direction of games in the hands of members of staff imbued with the true spirit of amateurism.
(Based on IPSHA Aims and Principles of Junior School Sport and Aussie Sport)
The role of the host school / convenor is to be clearly defined (i.e. responsibilities re provision of umpires, referees, sportsmanship, barracking, courtesy etc.) Host School (i.e. staff, children and parents) should welcome visitors to the school grounds.
Sport Fixtures
Details of Saturday sports fixture are uploaded to the website at the start of each term. The School will endeavour to upload each teams details by Wednesday by 4pm, but this will not always be possible.
The date and time at the top right hand corner of the fixtures page indicates when the page was last updated. Venue, time information and cancellations due to the prevailing weather conditions at the venue may occur at any time, and will be marked on the website as soon as possible.
Each Saturday, please check the information on the fixtures page before leaving home. Cancellations of games due to weather conditions will start to appear from 7.00am Saturday morning.
Sports Arrangements
- Boys who are chosen to play in a school team, on Saturday morning, have an obligation to report to the coach no later than 20 minutes before the start of the match.
- Age groupings for all sports is 'as at 1 January'.
- Requests for Saturday leave must be addressed in writing to the Sports Master no later than the Monday of the week preceding the game.
- All boys are clearly informed beforehand where their team is playing and at what time. If there is any doubt about sport being cancelled on a Saturday morning due to wet weather, you are asked to telephone 9990 8472. Should a boy become ill after School on Friday please telephone the Sports Master on 8302 5246 before 7:15am on Saturday.
Wet Weather
Wet Weather Number â
After school Sport: please check the information on the training page after 1:30pm to determine if practice has been affected by wet weather.
Saturday Morning Sport: Each Saturday, please check the information on the fixtures page before leaving home. Cancellations of games due to weather conditions will start to appear from 7.00am Saturday morning.